Servicing claims professionally is our business. You can expect a very prompt, fair and reasonable claims service in all of your dealings with us. Claims are serviced by the claims team which is based in Kemah Capital's Houston Office.

If you suffer a loss:
First and foremost stay safe.
do not attempt to enter the building if it appears to be in any way unsafe.
report the incident to the relevant emergency services and local authorities as soon as possible.
Reporting Your Loss:
Please report the loss to us at the earliest opportunity
Losses may be reported by the policyholder or the policyholders representative 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by
clicking on the tab or button on this page
calling 1.844.520.5109
Please include
The name of the policyholder
The policy number
Contact details for the policyholder or the policyholder's representative and the person reporting the loss
As much information as you have regarding the circumstances of the loss including the date, time and location of the loss
What to expect:
Once you have reported the loss, one of our claims representatives will contact you promptly in order to inspect the damaged property and begin the claims settlement process.
Please be prepared to provide all relevant business and proof of ownership documentation to our claims representative and keep an accurate record and all receipts relating to expenditure you have incurred as a result of the loss.
Please do not discard or abandon any item unless you have been authorized to do so by one of our claims representatives.
Our priority at all times is to ensure that your interests are protected and your claim is processed as promptly and professionally as possible.