Sutton National Insurance Company
Sutton National is rated A- (Excellent) by AM Best Company.
Dania Beach, Florida 33004
1855 Griffin Road Suite B-390
Direct & Facultative

Accelerant is rated "A-" (Excellent) for Financial Strength from A.M. Best in the Financial Size IX category.
Sandy Springs, GA 30350
400 Northridge Drive Suite 800

Active Capital Reinsurance Ltd.
Active Re is rated A (Excellent) by AM Best Company.
St. Thomas BB22025, Barbados
One Welches, Welches
Africa Treaty Reinsurance

Sutton National Insurance Company
Sutton National is rated A- (Excellent) by AM Best Company.
Dania Beach, Florida 33004
1855 Griffin Road Suite B-390

Malaysian Reinsurance Bhd., Malaysia
Malaysian Re has a Financial Strength Rating of “A-” (Excellent) from A.M. Best, confirmed Stable, Dec 2020. Malaysian Re has a Financial Strength (IFS) rating of ‘A’ (Strong) from Fitch with a Stable Outlook, Feb 2021.
No. 17, Lorong Dungun
12th Floor, Bangunan Malaysian Re
Africa Treaty Reinsurance